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HomeFireworks Picnic
FWP Logo 2024
We are anxiously awaiting warmer weather and the opportunity to reconnect with friends and family while also gathering in support of our charitable legacy, the Detroit Institute for Children (DIC).  Fortunately, the opportunity to do just that is right around the corner.  On Tuesday, June 18, 2024 we will host our 42nd Annual Sigma Gamma Fireworks Picnic at the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House.  Please save the date - details and invitation to come!

Proceeds from this year's Fireworks Picnic will support the DIC.  Founded and supported by the Sigma Gamma Association, the DIC has been serving children and families since 1920.  All funds raised will support DIC's expanding impact across Metro Detroit through academic and therapeutic services provided in schools and in the community during the summer, after school, and in homes throughout the year. 

Thriving in today's world can be a challenge but it is particularly difficult for children with special needs.  Your support now will guarantee the success of the Picnic and further our goal to support the DIC while also coming together as a community of family and friends.

To find out more information about our 2024 Fundraiser, contact:

Maddie Mancus


(313) 663-9423

Mary Mancus


(313) 882-8865

Kristen Van Pelt

Patron Mailing Co-Chair

(313) 506-2504

Lynn Schneider

Patron Mailing Co-Chair

 (313) 530-3200

2024 Corporate Sponsors

The Sigma Gamma Association wishes to acknowledge and thank the corporate sponsors of this year's Fireworks Picnic for their tremendous support!


Ford House logo 2024
Wico Logo
Azimuth 2023
Duravent 2023
Kercheval Financial Group 2023
NMDB logo
Pearl Logo 2024
Pointe Cabinets Logo
Melissa_Sine Logo 2024
Rayhaven 2023

Theresa and Anthony Selvaggio

Blake Company 2023
Two Men & a Junk Trunk 2024
Westborn Market 2023


Clarinda Ray 2023
Caidan 2023
Connell Building 2024
Conner Park 2023 - FWP
Doggie Scoops 2023
Glitter & Scotch Logo 2024
Janet Ridder/Bolton Johnson Logo 2024
Legacy Wealth 2023
Mercer 2023
Oasis Logo 2024
Oswald Company 2023
Palmer Moving Storage
Corner Studio 2024
Zeppelin 2024

FWP 2024 Patrons

FWP 2024 - Chairs and Elizabeth

Fireworks Picnic 2024 Chairs

Mary Mancus and Maddie Mancus

Sigma Gamma President Elizabeth Connors

FWP2024 - Auction Chairs

Auction Chairs

Paige George, Mary DeBrunner, Laura Wholihan

Tin Can Chairs

Michelle Shore, Sophia Melhem

with Campbell Shore

FWP 2024 - Benefactor Chairs

Benefactors Chairs

Mary Ann Bury and Mary Lubera

FWP 2024 - Tin Can Winner
FWP 2024 - Girls Eating
FWP2024 - Tin Can Item
FWP 2024 -Checkout
FWP 2024 Fireworks